Le Grand Cirque Presents 'Adrenaline'

Myrtle Beach, SC
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Experience the heart-pounding thrill of Le Grand Cirque's 'Adrenaline' in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! With non-stop energy and breathtaking aerial feats, the show blurs the lines between reality and the impossible. Each performance is a masterful symphony of precision, strength, and elegance, showcasing the raw power and beauty of human potential. Don't miss this electrifying showcase of death-defying stunts and dynamic choreographies that promise an unforgettable experience. Book now for an evening of adrenaline-fueled excitement you won't soon forget!

Duration 2 Hrs.
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Activity Highlights
  • Enjoy the thrill of 'Adrenaline' in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  • Experience the masterful beauty of human potential through death-defying stunts & dynamic choreographies
  • This acrobatic extravaganza pushes the limits of physical artistry and features standout stars Alan Silva and Deadly Games from 'America’s Got Talent
  • Cozy, comfortable accommodations in the Broadway Theater
  • Limited time only event
  • Great experience for all ages
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Le Grand Cirque Presents 'Adrenaline'

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