Oak Alley Plantation Tour with Transportation from NOLA Hotels & B&Bs

New Orleans, LA
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Take a step back in time as guests tour Oak Alley Plantation. Enjoy sightseeing on the way to the plantation until the grand house comes into view. Witness the giant oaks that line the alleyway to the "Big House". Experience one of the grandest plantations of Louisiana, her historic grounds, and amazing exhibits. Book your tour today!

Duration 5 Hrs.
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Activity Highlights
  • Oak Alley Plantation Tour with Transportation from NOLA Hotels & B&Bs
  • Includes unique narrative about southern plantation life before the Civil War
  • See the Slavery Exhibit, Blacksmith Shop, Civil War Tent, & more
  • The plantation features a restaurant, cafe, & gift shop
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Oak Alley Plantation Tour with Transportation from NOLA Hotels & B&Bs

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