New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour

New Orleans, LA
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Explore the French Quarter and step into a living history book with a New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour. With the original grid of streets still intact and the beautifully preserved buildings, this iconic New Orleans neighborhood offers a glimpse into the city's rich and colorful past. Jazz and blues serve as the soundtrack, resonating from tucked-away bars, intimate courtyards, and lively street musicians. Wander past the ornate ironwork balconies, and be regaled with tales from when Spanish, French, Creole, and American influences converged to craft this unique enclave. Engage in the rich cultural heritage on this French Quarter Walking Tour and book now!

Duration 1.5 Hrs.
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Activity Highlights
  • New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour
  • Learn all about the history and the resident ghosts as you meander through the oldest & most famous section of New Orleans
  • Given by tour guides who have centuries of family ties in the New Orleans area
  • Keep your cameras ready in case ghosts come out to play
  • Visit some of the most infamous historical locales
  • Not your average historical French Quarter tour
  • Great activity for the whole family
  • Children ages 5 and under are FREE
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New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour

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